The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Anatomy aims at providing comprehensive knowledge of the gross and microscopic structure and development of human body to provide a basis for understanding the clinical correlation of organs or structures involved and the anatomical basis for the disease presentations.
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
From the integrated teaching of other basic sciences, students should be able to comprehend the regulation and integration of the functions of the organs and systems in the body and thus interpret the anatomical basis of disease process.
Assistant Professor
The goal of Anatomy Department is to produce competent specialists and/or medical teachers who shall recognize the health needs of the community and carry out professional obligations ethically and in keeping with the objectives of the national health policy.
Charu Taneja, Hitesh Babel, L K Jain. An anthropometric study of stature estimation among males from the measurements of feet in Udaipur district of Rajasthan. Int J Cur Res Rev 2016; 8 17: 41-45
Abstract Background:
Estimation of stature has a very significant role to play in forensic anthropometry for personal identification.
Material and Methods:
The present study was conducted on a total number of 481 male tribals of Udaipur district by using standard anthropometric techniques.
There was a high correlation between height and right (0.184) foot length & left (0.186) Foot Length in males.
Linear regression equations were deduced in males out of which lowest standard error of estimate was experienced in combined foot length of males.
Key Words:
Stature, Foot length, Regression equations
Full Details : Click Here
Nivedita Roy, Sagnik Roy, Histogenesis of gastric mucosa in human foetal stomach- National Journal of Clinical Anatomy Vol. 52 Pg 70-77 2016
Charu Taneja, Hitesh Babel, L K Jain. An anthropometric study of stature estimation among males from the measurements of feet in Udaipur district of Rajasthan. Int J Cur Res Rev 2016; 8 17: 41-45
Abstract Background:
Estimation of stature has a very significant role to play in forensic anthropometry for personal identification.
Material and Methods:
The present study was conducted on a total number of 481 male tribals of Udaipur district by using standard anthropometric techniques.
There was a high correlation between height and right (0.184) foot length & left (0.186) Foot Length in males.
Linear regression equations were deduced in males out of which lowest standard error of estimate was experienced in combined foot length of males.
Key Words:
Stature, Foot length, Regression equations
Full Details : Click Here