
  1. The 24*7 run Blood Centre, located at Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Sciences, provides the provision for the Collection, Processing, Testing, Storing and the Distribution of Blood.
  2. Blood Centre ensures that hospitals have a safe and reliable blood supply for patients in need, with RIGHT PATIENT, RIGHT TIME AND RIGHT BLOOD.
  3. Blood Centre is NABH accredited with availability of latest equipment’s with highly qualified, knowledgeable and experienced staff.
  4. Because there is no substitute for blood, the generosity of blood donors helps to ensure that we maintain as adequate supply for our patients. Donation of just one pint of your blood takes less than 30 minutes but can help save the lives of three patients.
  5. The donation process is simple. You may be eligible to donate blood if you:
    • Are 18 – 60 years old
    • Weigh at least 45 kgs
    • Are in good health
  6. The latest techniques are used for immune-hematological testing, for blood compatibility and for diagnosis.
  7. We supply best quality blood and components, prepared from Nonremunerated donors, screened by appropriate methods and stored and transported at right temperature.

Our Team


  1. Red cell grouping, antibody screening, antihuman globulin test & cross match are being done routinely using latest technique of gel technology.
  2. Blood is carefully screened for transfusion transmitted infections (HBsAg, HCV, HIV I& II- using fully automated ELISA technology along with Syphilis and malarial testing).
  3. Blood component: Thanks to advances in medical technology, blood can be separated into its different components. Hence, one unit is used to prepare red blood cells, platelet concentrate and plasma each of which can be given to three different patients.


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