
The Department of Medicine is a vital and complex component of our hospital or medical center. Our team of doctors is responsible for diagnosing, treating, and managing an extensive range of medical conditions, ranging from common ailments to rare and complex diseases. The department comprises a team of highly skilled and experienced physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who work collaboratively to provide the best possible care for patients. They use advanced medical technologies and techniques to diagnose and treat patients accurately and effectively.

The department of medicine encompasses several sub-specialties, each with its own unique area of focus. There are many other sub-specialties within the department of medicine, each focusing on a specific area of medicine.

Overall, the department of medicine plays an important role in ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. Through their expertise, advanced technologies, and collaborative efforts, the department of medicine strives to improve patient outcomes and provide the highest quality of care possible.

Our Team



Achieve better quality of patient care as guided by quality indicators.
More emphasis on staff and patient education.
More respect to patient and family rights.

Service Type:

• In-patient

• Outpatient

• Covid Intensive Care Unit

• Covid Wards /Covid Suspect Ward/Isolation Ward

• Post Covid care

• Medical Intensive Care Services

• Emergency

Scope of Services:

Medical Services:

• Endocrinology

• Nephrology

• Pulmonology

• Respiratory care services

• Gastro-enterology

• Hematology

• Medical Oncology

• Rheumatology

• Neurology

• Staff health

• Infectious diseases

Level Or Intensity 0f Patient Care:

• Acute

• Chronic

• Intensive

• Check-up.

Patient Age:

• Adolescent

• Young adult

• Middle age

• Older adult including geriatrics

Departmental procedures:

• Cardiology

• 2D Echo, TMT.

Endocrine procedures:

• Thyroid FNA.

Nephrology Procedures:

• Hemodialysis.

• Through cooperation with other departments:

• Anesthesia: subclaviculian catheter, internal jugular catheter, perm catheter.

• U/S: ultrasound guided renal biopsy.

Pulmonary procedures:

• Pulmonary function testing.

• Simple spirometry.

• Diagnostic and therapeutic CPAP and BIPAP

• Chest physiotherapy, Breathing exercises, incentive spirometry, oxygen therapy, care for ventilators and other respiratory care equipment, etc.

Hematology Procedures:

• Bone marrow aspiration.

• Bone marrow biopsy.

• Transfusion of blood products

• RBC exchange.

• Plasma exchange.


• Upper gastrodeodenoscope.

• Colonoscopy.

• Gastrostomy tube.

• Through cooperation with other departments

• Ultrasound: ultrasound guided abdominal paracentesis; ultrasound guided liver biopsy

Rheumatology Procedures:

• Joint aspiration for synovial fluid analysis.

Oncology Procedures:

• Screening for cancer.


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